Welcome to NANOOS, the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems.
| NANOOS Visualization System NVS provides easy access to observations, forecasts, data, and visualizations. |
LiveOcean Webinar
Thanks to Dr. Parker MacCready for a fantastic webinar highlighting the UW Coastal Modeling Group’s LiveOcean, and to everyone who joined us and engaged with so many great questions! In case you missed it, or if you would like to review the content, the recording is available on the NANOOS YouTube page and linked below. You can also find it along with other NANOOS webinars and tutorials on the new NANOOS Videos page.
LiveOcean WebinarLiveOcean on NVSNANOOS Videos
Upcoming LiveOcean Webinar
Go2023 Puget Sound Marine Waters Overview
GoNANOOS Presentation for NOAA West Watch
GoTribal Students Dig into Guts of a Glider!
GoBackyard Buoys Spotlight in Oceanography Magazine
GoInflation Reduction Act Awards Announced
GoCRITFC-CMOP Recommended for Coastal Resilience Grant
GoSe’lhaem Monitoring Buoy Deployed in Bellingham Bay
GoNANOOS Presentation for NOAA West Watch
GoNANOOS Lightfish Completes First Offshore HABs Mission
GoVideo Tutorial for Tuna Fishers
GoImperiled by OA: How US Pacific Shellfish Farms Are Coping
GoSharing Buoy Technical Expertise
Tracking Warm Sea Temperatures - Is it a Marine Heatwave?
GoNew NVS "Customization" Capability