



Sign up for our


Why join NANOOS? Let your organization's name be included as a supporter of NANOOS. Show that you are an advocate for better understanding the ocean. We do not share any emails or information, just the organization name. As a member, you will receive monthly email NANOOS updates and our quarterly e-newsletter. You are invited to participate in our annual meetings, and, at any time, to let us know your priorities for data, information products, or services. You are welcome to join any of our committees. If you are interested, please email!

To become a NANOOS Member organization, download and read the NANOOS Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and either fax, scan and email, or mail the last page of the MOA signed by the appropriate representative to the NANOOS Executive Director Jan Newton. Also, please identify your appointee to the NANOOS Governing Council, with an alternate if desired. Please email Jan with any questions.


University of Washington
Applied Physics Laboratory
1013 NE 40th Street
Box 355640
Seattle, WA 98105-6698


Regional Coastal Observing Systems



Central and Northern California

Great Lakes

Gulf of Mexico

Pacific Islands


Northeast Atlantic

Pacific Northwest

Southern California

Southeast Atlantic